Sunday, August 10

I miss Courtney

August 10, 1999.

That was the day my amazing little sister Courtney died.

She was 24.

She was compassionate and funny.

It's been 9 years today and I cannot believe how time flies. I remember so clearly the day it happened. It is one of the most vivid memories I have. That is probably because the shock was so great and so profound.

Each year it comes and each year it goes, and it just doesn't seem to get easier. It doesn't take my breath away like it used to, but I still get that knot in my throat and that dull ache in my heart.

So, today, I just want to remember her. I am grateful for all of the memories I have of her, but oh how I wish there would be opportunities for new ones.

Here are just a few pictures...

Easter egg hunt, rocking some awesome outfits:

Courtney was an identical twin:

Here are the twins all grown up:

Courtney, you are missed. So much.


k2 said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you lost a sister,I know how difficult that is.
I don't think you ever get over losing someone you love, you get on with it. The hurt is still there, but time allows us to focus on how truly wonderful our loved one was.
Courtney's spirit will always be with you and Her foundation is a wonderful way to honor her memory, while raising money & awareness for Long QT Syndrome.
Hang in there!

Jen Yu said...

Sweetheart, I am thinking of you today and wishing I could be there to hug you and talk with you. I love the pics of your beautiful sister(s). These wonderful people who have touched our lives continue to live on in each of us, you know? She's still a part of you, just like Kris is still a part of me. She must have been amazing because I think you are :) extra hugs and kisses on this day! xxxoooxxxooo

Shell said...

Hugs, I know this is so hard for you. You do a wonderful thing keeping her memory alive.You honor her by doing such wonderful posts.
You are a true wonderful sister.